indah ciptaannya..

indah ciptaannya..
Pantai Pandak, Cendering.

my dear honey...

Monday, 18 June 2012

My First Day @ SK Manir

Yesterday (7 Jun 2012) was my first day at SK Manir...We (Me, Udax & Poyo) arrived at the school at 7.15 am… then, we met the GPK 1…He’s very nice n kind hearted person..

I was very excited. Why? Cause this what I want.I want to be a teacher.
But for these week.. we just do our observation on the school’s prasarana… nk check whether  the school provide good facilities or not…

At the early morning..there were some miscommunication. But then, we settled it!
What else? Ha..the teachers… They are very friendly…. But not all la…biaselah..dlm setandan pisang..mesti ade satu dua yg x elok..but then, it’s okay.. :D

For evening session..we had Sukan! Yeayy~ (and again I was very excited)
The GPK Koko told us… “Dtg la pukul 3 ke 3.30”
Ok… J (yang penting tambahkan manisan dlm senyuman)

Balik sekolah pukul 1.30pm.. waiting for the U-Van last day almost 30minutes.. sakit kaki teacher tw! ^^
Sesampai je U..look at the’s 2.10pm! OMG! I need to be rush to back home because bfore 3.30pm we must be there (Padang SK Manir)
Punya kelam kabutnye….Allah!
Sesampainya kami di SK Manir…

Ingat lambat dah! Padang K.O.S.O.N.G!!! Panggil la students yg ade kat2 situ..
“Sukan start pukul bape?”
“Bukan sukan teacher… latihan pebarisan je..’
“ouuhh…pukul bape mula ni?”
“pukul 4.30pm”
Kitorang punya lah kelam kabut… rupanya GPK Koko GAME kitorang…
Aku pe lgi..terus keluar la mrayap around Manir….
Balik SK semula…still xde orang kat padang..tengok jam jap..
“Already 4.35pm..lambat dh ni..”
Tak lame baru nmpak students sikit…sikkkitt turun padang….Last2 pukul 5 lebih jugak baru start…
And AGAIN…I was very the excited! Huhuhu
Snap! Snap! Snap! Snap picture students yg comel2 tu…seronakk la…
Faiz asyik tanya "mcm ni ea teacher pgg bndera?"
penat teacher nk jawab bnda sme yang oi.. hihi

fuhh...sakit tekak teacher nk susun barisan rumah kuning ni...

ajar students tabik spring..haha

semua excited!

hhmmm...sini! muka selamba je budak ni~

Mula2 cm takut2..bile dh sampai n tgok keadaan sebenar..Alhamdulillah...aku suka! ^^
semoga semuanya terus lancar smpai September ni..hehe