when my father had his dinner with my mom, i was playing with my hamster,Awan...
then, i heard that my father told my mom about our neighbor's prob. the thing is, our neighbor is passing their dad among their siblings....
then, my father said...
" akak..kalau ayah dah tua and uzur, just send me kat rumah orang tua..xyah nk susahkan diri.."
Ya Allah,..
aku tak nak jadi anak derhaka..walau macam mana susah sekali pun, aku takkan anta parents aku pada org lain...kalau smpai harini, 20 tahun dorang boleh jaga aku, xkan aku xboleh?
and another thing is, what comes around goes around,.aku xnak laa satu hari nnti, anak anak aku pulak wt cmtu kat aku...
The thing is, I LOVE MY PARENTS A LOT...
I always pray that Allah will take my life first bfore He takes theirs...
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